The Wisconsin ICAC Conference on Missing and Exploited Children is designed for all ICAC Task Force members and affiliate agencies, as well as multi-disciplinary team members and other child-serving professionals. The purpose of this conference is to provide nationwide training to expand the efforts, knowledge-base and further enhance the skills of law enforcement investigators who are combating the online sexual exploitation of children. Conference sessions will highlight critical topics for multidisciplinary teams, advanced investigative techniques, digital forensics, victim services, investigating missing children, Child Abduction Response Team (CART) formation, mental wellness and open-source intelligence methods. There is no registration fee to attend the conference, however, all attendees are responsible for paying for their own lodging, airfare, meals, etc.
The National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation is a national training event designed to expand the efforts and knowledge base of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors by providing specialized training focused on investigating and prosecuting technology-facilitated crimes against children. **This event has NOT received U.S. DOJ approval. Please do not book any non-refundable travel at this time. Once the event has received approval, all approved attendees will be notified via email.**
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