image of a person holding a tablet

Online Child Exploitation
Prevention Initiative

Initiative Vision

Establish a technology safety partnership with an ongoing goal of working collaboratively to achieve a consistent and effective global prevention message.


The training programs delivered by the ICAC training providers are essential in providing the federal, state and local agencies that make up the ICAC Task Force Program, the tools and techniques necessary to develop an effective response to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and internet crimes against children.


The Online Child Exploitation Prevention Initiative (OCEPI) has created Ten Best Practices for Prevention Programs, an easy guide to optimize the effectiveness of online safety engagement efforts by providing a quick reference guide that outlines evidence-based techniques, created for any front-line professional working with children and families to help ensure a child’s safety online. The goal of this Best Practices document is to share what researchers know about prevention with those who do the work, with an aim to provide consistent messaging which supports effective prevention and victim response.

What can you do?

Review these practices with your team and assess your current program and prevention materials.

  • Where does your program align?
  • Where can updates be made?

Work with partners to organize a collaborative approach by connecting local law enforcement, social workers, mental health professionals, school and district leaders, parent council leaders, student leaders, and other partner organizations.

Image of OCEPI Ten Best Practices Guide


The Online Child Exploitation Prevention Initiative (OCEPI) was established in 2023, consisting of individuals and agencies specializing in efforts to prevent children from becoming victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse. Initiative members are experts including federal, state, and local law enforcement, ICAC Task Force members, researchers, educators, prevention specialists, training partners, and child protection organizations. It is by far the most comprehensive and collaborative online safety group in the United States.


Points of view or opinions expressed by these organizations do not necessarily represent the official position of the ICAC Task Force Program, OJJDP, or the U.S. Department of Justice.